Tuesday, September 18, 2012

What Mitt Really Thinks About Americans

The rich really aren't like you and me, frankly.  And when you're talking about Mitt Romney at a private fundraiser with a bunch of other rich folks, well, the truth about what they think of American voters comes out.  David Corn:

During a private fundraiser earlier this year, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney told a small group of wealthy contributors what he truly thinks of all the voters who support President Barack Obama. He dismissed these Americans as freeloaders who pay no taxes, who don't assume responsibility for their lives, and who think government should take care of them. Fielding a question from a donor about how he could triumph in November, Romney replied:

There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what…These are people who pay no income tax.

Romney went on: "[M]y job is is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."

So as far as Mitt's concerned, anyone who votes for Obama is a shiftless, lazy welfare moocher who doesn't pay income taxes and demands free health care, food, and housing from the government.  Every.  Single.  Obama supporter.

We're nothing but welfare queens and strapping young bucks on the stoop drinking 40's to Mitt.  We're parasites.  We're nothing.  And Mitt doesn't even care, doesn't even "worry about those people", because he'll get the 53% of right thinking Americans to vote for him, and then they can collectively punish the other 47%.

We're not voters to Mitt.  We're not worth worrying about.  Our concerns, our hope and dreams, our struggles and our ideas to help the country?  Doesn't matter.  We're just those people to him.  Some what, 150 million of us are just faceless drains on the economy, and Mitt Romney is just going to cut us off and give more money to the top 1%.  Charles Pierce nails Mitt to the wall:

To this moment, I guarantee you, Romney is probably astonished at what all the fuss is about. This is simply the way the world is. There is himself, Willard Romney, and his perfect family, and his perfect life, and there is The Help, and The Help gets drunk on the job, and prunes the shrubbery badly, and pockets the silverware, and makes off with the odd can of salmon out of the pantry. He is who he is today because his breeding and his genes and his god have arranged him to be through a serious of immutable laws against which only a fool or The Help would presume to argue. He is what his golden life has made him to be, and his golden life was only the bare minimum of that to which god and nature entitled him. To ask him to doubt any of this is to ask him to doubt gravity or the movement of the tides.

And it's okay, because Mitt's already justified doing this to tens of millions of Americans, because we're just those people to him. We don't matter.  Mitt will simply give the other 53% what they want and he wins.

We are coming rapidly toward a devastating confluence of two colliding panics. The Romney campaign is panicking about itself, and the Republicans are panicking about the Romney campaign. He cannot come back from this, honestly. This is who he is. This is what he believes the world to be. Half the electorate already thinks he's a fake, which means he's not a very good one. There's really only one campaign left to him now.

Unfortunately for American politics, that means only one thing. It's going to get extraordinarily dirty extraordinarily fast. There is going to be pale birtherism and barely covert racism. The body of Ambassador Christopher Stevens is going to be exhumed and used as a bludgeon. There is going to be poor-baiting, and gay-baiting, and ladyparts-baiting, and probably baiting of things I haven't thought of yet. The polite part of the campaign is going to be Romney's effort to convince You that he was really talking about Them when he was calling people moochers and sneak thieves. He wasn't talking about Your Medicare or Your Social Security. Naw, he was talking about Their greed for what You have. That's going to be the polite part of the rest of the campaign, reinforced in the lower registers by a few million in ads to make sure You remember who They are.

Now here's the question, folks.  If you're not in the top 1%, and you're not in the bottom 47%, do you think Mitt still gives a good goddamn about you?  Of course not.  But the only way his wins now is otherism on an unprecedented scale.  And it will come in a fecal landslide that only billions can buy.

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