Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Oh, So THIS Is What Crazy Looks Like

As Rainey drew within 4 feet, Roop grabbed his 9mm Glock from his pocket and fired once, striking Rainey in the shoulder, he told police. Rainey fell to the ground, screaming, ‘You shot me,’ in what Roop described as an “antagonistic” manner, according to the report.

Roop said he was still in fear and thought Rainey was reaching for something, so he shot Rainey once more in the back of the head, “for effect,” the report said. A company order brochure and cell phone were found near Rainey’s body.

If someone shot me without reason, my attitude might be described as antagonistic as well.  Witnesses say he shot the man in the shoulder, waited several seconds while nothing happened, and then shot the man in the back of the head, execution-style.

So, first we have the obvious.  No Trespassing signs are not permission to shoot anyone who comes near.  Shooting someone fatally when they did not show aggression is number two.  And third, this man is batshit crazy and has been on record as being a problem.  Let's take care of this quickly, and pray that our loved ones never come into contact with a man like Roop.  It's a scary thought, because out here in Manly Man Country, you can't swing a stick without hitting a jerk like this.

Scary times.

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