Sunday, July 8, 2012

And A Bible Thumping Good Time Was Had By All

A woman was arrested for throwing her bible and striking Reverend Leon Taylor in the head.  He said she had been voted out of the church.  Either way, when the police have to come to the church, them Duke boys better be findin' some cover, or something like that.

During the church confrontation, “Ms. Garrett took her Bible and threw it at Mr. Taylor hitting him in the face.” Taylor then took a swing at Garrett, but did not make contact.
After a brief detour to a local hospital, Garrett was transported by a sheriff’s deputy to the county jail, where she was charged with “assault on the preacher Mr. Taylor.” In a TV interview, Garrett copped to striking Taylor in the head. “He’s got the demon in him,” she explained. 
Well, now that he's been diagnosed  we can all just put this behind us.  Seriously, people like this do more harm to religious tolerance than a whole string of abortion ads.  He took a swing at her, which both surprised me and made me wonder what role he played in pushing Garrett to the point of exaggeration.

Let's be good kids and not hit at church, shall we?  It's the least we can ask, since it's impossible for someone to disagree without being evil and deserving violence, at least in the eyes of the devout (and slightly insane).

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