Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Los Panta-Looneys

Greg Sargent points out at least one GOP strategist is freely admitting that the Republicans got caught sans pants on the President's immigration enforcement directive.

So claims GOP strategist Ed Rollins in an interview with me about Obama’s new policy blocking deportations of DREAM-eligible youth.

“They should not have been caught with their pants down,” Rollins said of Republicans, adding that they were caught “flat-footed” by the announcement. “They needed to be better prepared.”

“The hardest thing [for Republicans] about the immigration debate is that it’s a question of fairness,” continued Rollins, who was chief strategist for Michele Bachmann’s presidential campaign and ran Ronald Reagan’s reelection effort in 1984. “A lot of people know a lot of good people who came into this country illegally and are trying to buy into the American Dream.”

“If we ever lose the Hispanic vote the way we’ve lost the African American vote, there’s no way we’ll win in presidential politics,” Rollins concluded.

Amazing.  A Republican strategist who isn't a complete moron.  Granted, Ed Rollins is the Dick Morris of the GOP, but he's at least under no illusions that the GOP can win now and in the future without the African-American and Latino vote.

Not that the Latino vote is monolithic, any more than the African-American vote is.  But let's face it, the GOP has demonized the Latino community so much that even the Latino voters who are apt to agree with Republicans on some issues are going to blow them off.  Even Ed Rollins can figure this out, and he's got the political acumen of a bowl of rancid fish guts (Way to back a winner like Bachmann, Ed.)

Still, it doesn't change the fact that Rollins is correct, and the fact that Republicans as a whole will continue to bleed voters until they get it.  Which is never, because they've decided to go for broke on being the Last Bastion Of White Male Privilege Party and they're pretty much okay with that.

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