Monday, May 21, 2012

Last Call

Republicans are sociopaths, frankly.  Take Reince Priebus for example, on the resurgence of the Jeremiah Wright nonsense by a GOP SuperPAC:

I know how it works. It’s the Democrats and Barack Obama that want the story out there. He wants the story to play out in the media, because for every day that [Obama adviser] David Axelrod and this President don’t have to talk about their broken promises when it comes to jobs, the debt, and the deficit — the more time they can talk about hypotheticals that may or may not come true — is a day they want to win on. So, look, this president’s got a bigger problem and his problem is no matter what he puts out there, no matter what distractions he puts out there, he can’t change the truth and escape the reality of where we are in this American economy. And it’s no good.

Note how he operates here, he's disavowing the Wright attacks, blaming President Obama for them, and then scolding the media for buying into President Obama's narrative that Republicans are the ones bringing this up.

Of course, Republicans are the ones bringing this up.  In fact, they brought it up multiple times last week. But as with everything with Priebus, it's all Obama's doing as he has manipulated the press into covering it as news.  And he'll say it every time it happens until November, because he's a sociopath and a liar.

And he'll get away with it.  The media can't complain, if they do they're in on the conspiracy.  And six more months of this is guaranteed:

  1. GOP Super PAC says something awful about the President.
  2. RNC says it's a distraction.
  3. RNC accuses the President and the media of orchestrating it and dares them to prove otherwise.
  4. Pushback on awful thing is muted.
  5. Media bemoans that both sides do it.
  6. Repeat.

Priebus knows exactly what he's doing and is going to get away with it scot-free because otherwise the Village proves him correct in taking sides with Obama.  And they will do everything they can to avoid that, including selling the GOP lies wholesale.  Watch.

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