Monday, March 12, 2012

Dennis No Longer The Menace

Angry Black Lady takes my 2010 post on Dennis Kucinich being just about the worst party line Democrat in the House and runs with it like the Mongol Horde on the open steppes.

Do you know who has never stated that he doesn’t “believe in the substance of Roe v. Wade”? President Obama.

Do you know who said “nope, zero” when the GOP wanted to cut funding for Planned Parenthood? President Obama.

Do you know whose administration stepped in when the New Hampshire GOP defunded Planned Parenthood and provided funding so that underprivileged New Hampshire women could continue to obtain contraception? President Obama’s.

Or what about when President Obama promised to veto the GOP’s “Let Women Die” bill?  Need I go on?

You see, at a this point in time when Republicans are trying to travel back in time to the glory days when gals just put an aspirin between their knees; when Republicans are trying to force foreign objects into a woman’s vagina under the guise of “Right to Know and See” or “Informed Consent” while simultaneously permitting doctors to withhold prenatal medical information because such information might lead to abortion; when Republicans are trying to pass bills that allow women’s health decisions to be subject to the religious whims of employers and health insurers; when the “no taxes increases ever” Norquist-boot-lickers turn around and attempt to levy a sales tax on women who seek abortions, I only have one response: Screw you.

I don’t care whether Kucinich was against the Iraq War or not. I was, too. I don’t care that he doesn’t like Obama’s policy of “targeted assassinations of American citizens without due process far from any battlefield.”  I don’t either.   So why should I miss Kucinich?  Why would I want more Kuciniches?

Which is precisely what voters in the ridiculously gerrymandered Ohio 9th said.  Marcy Kaptur is no prize either, mind you.  He awful positions on abortion make her a serious problem, but it's telling I would take over Kucinich any day of the week.   He's as bad as Kaptur on women's issues and a lot worse on a number of other things.

Having said that, hey Ohio?  Next primary?  Get a real Democrat in Ohio 9, please.  Kaptur is better than Kucinich the way mauling is better than disembowelment.

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