Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Big GOP Debate Thread

Two debates in about 12 hours there, one from last night, one from this morning.  Both were horrible affairs that just proved how none of these dipsticks would last 15 minutes in a debate with President Obama.  (In Perry's case, 15 seconds.)

The bottom line, and what really struck me about the debates, was both Jon Huntsman and Mitt Romney running as Tea Party Republicans, or trying to.  Romney this morning confirmed how he would as President end most federal entitlements and "return them to the states".  Huntsman put forward the Ryan plan as well and said yes, that Medicare and SS had to go.  Romney flat out said that as President, I should not expect SS or Medicare to pay for much of anything by the time I'm approaching 70 while current retirees, the boomers, will be fine.

The moderate Huntsman endorsing the Ryan plan to end Medicare, and Romney talking about means testing for Social Security. Santorum went one step further and said "hey current retirees? Here comes the pain."

Ron Paul of course beat them all with "Entitlements are not rights."

These guys are awful.  All of them.  Keep that in mind, especially Romney.  There are no moderate Republicans anymore.  They are all wingnuts.

The Bobblespeak translation of the debate is far more awesome than the real thing was, trust me.

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