Thursday, October 6, 2011

StupidiNews! Celebrity Catchup

Time for some quick bullets from Hollyweird:

I'll start with Billy Bob Thornton.  Granted, I have grown up with a dozen Billy Bobs in my life (yay for the Midwest).  In this case though, it's bad news.  Billy Bob's estranged daughter has been sentenced to 20 years in prison for the death of an infant in her care.  It's a tragic story from every angle.

Jani Lane died of alcohol poisoning.  That is incredibly sad, and a waste of a talented guy.  However, several fans have expressed relief mingled with sadness, happy on one level that the singer was not distraught enough to have taken his own life intentionally.

Laura Dern is getting some attention for her new series, Enlightened.  Traditionally, shows like this have not succeeded despite their thoughtful message, but from what I read there is a balance between funny, sad, deep and hysterical.  Enough that you never feel like you are on a single journey, but many.  I love Dern (but I'll never forgive her dad for shooting John Wayne in in The Cowboys) and I wish her the best. Maybe this show will give us an idea of how to find our inner activist and follow our voice.

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