Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Last Call

Yeah, see, video games where you're gunning down zombies of any political candidate is pretty much out of bounds, folks.

In a new free-to-play online game that's sure to worry as many on the left as on the right, players are sent on a mission to kill "tea party zombies," Fox News anchors, Republican politicians, lobbyists and even activists, using weapons like machine guns, shotguns, crowbars and machetes.

Though entirely based tongue-in-cheek, "Tea Party Zombies Must Die" contains politically provocative imagery, like walking through the offices of Koch Industries wielding a shotgun, or attending a sparsely populated tea party rally and killing activists with a crowbar.

In between levels, the game presents quotes from journalists and activists from organizations like The New York Times, The Guardian and Greenpeace, outlining the activities of Koch Industries, the influence of Fox News and the impact of big money on American democracy.

According to the designer, this new "advergame" from viral media group Starvingeyes was not commissioned by any person or organization in particular. Starvingeyes has previously worked with companies like Red Bull, UPS, NASCAR, Motorola, Pepsi and Craftsman, among others.

Frist this is exactly the fainting couch, pearl-clutching "MY STARS AND GARTERS" attention the Tea Party wants, and they'll be flogging the hurt from this for months.  Second and far, far mor important: guns + politics = completely horrible, period.  Not even remotely cool, not even remotely funny, no even remotely appropriate.  Free speech, sure.  Right thing to do?  No way.

This is exactly the kind of political violence we don't need right now, thanks.

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