Friday, July 22, 2011

Cenk Yard Dog Fight

So Cenk Uygur has been hosting the 6 PM slot for MSNBC for most of the year now as the network shuffles time slots and hosts in the wake of losing Keith Olbermann, and this week Uygur was let go in order to replace him with Rev. Al Sharpton.  Now, I personally would love to see Dylan Ratigan get the back of somebody's hand and for Ugyur to stay on at Ratigan's 4 PM spot, but that was until Cenk threw this epic tantrum and covered his MSNBC bridges with napalm and termites.

In an online video Wednesday, Uygur offered a few more details about his departure.

“I was called in a few weeks ago and was told I will not get the six o’clock spot,” he explained. “They said, ‘You had really good ratings. You did everything we asked you to do but we went in a different direction. But we want you to stay.’”

“They offered, honestly, a lot of money for that different role. I said no.”

Uygur recalled a viewer who told him, “Watching Cenk on The Young Turks is like watching a tiger in the wild. Seeing him on TV, is like watching that same tiger in a zoo.”

At one point, MSNBC management directed him to “tone it down” because “we are the

“When your ratings are good and you don’t get the show, it leaves me to believe that might have been the reason,” Uygur said. “I didn’t want to work at a place that didn’t want me to do my kind of show, that wasn’t interested in my kind of show, didn’t want to challenge power.”

And the reason I call bullcrap on Cenk here is because if you've ever watched A) Morning Joe, B) Dylan Raitgan or C) Pat Buchanan on any MSNBC show, you know the network has no problem lighting into President Obama, Democrats, liberals, progressives, lefties, or anyone less conservative that Andrea Mitchell or Chuck Todd.

For the record, I'd rather see Cenk keep his show then any of the above Village numbnuts keep theirs.  But there you have it, he blew up spectacularly.  Hopefully Sharpton will do a good job...and it's about time there was another black face on the network besides Tamron Hall.

As for Cenk, well I think he'll land on his feet.

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