Monday, April 25, 2011

StupidiNews: Tabloid Edition

Mel Gibson doesn't care if he ever acts again.  That makes about five billion of us, but thanks for the acknowledgement.  He's one of a few stars who are so far gone they don't even see the real world anymore (see Charlie and Lindsay below).

Right on cue, Charlie Sheen shows more signs of collapse.  Denise Richards says it makes her sad.  That's about as thoughtful as she gets, so take that as a sign of the (ahem) depth of her concern.

Game over: The Game was denied access to Canada.  While nobody in the U.S. seems to care, Canada took the time to investigate The Game and decide the alleged gang ties and other suspected criminal activity just wasn't worth the show.

Lindsay Lohan claims to be a victim of a witch hunt.  She said it with a straight face, which has been her best acting of late.  Perhaps refraining from walking out of stores with merchandise or using rehab like an artist retreat would also help.

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