Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Carter Hospitalized

Former President Jimmy Carter was taken to a hospital in Cleveland after arriving there by flight.  Not much else is known at this hour, so I'll be following this we find out more.

[UPDATE]  Looks like President Carter is going to be okay, just had a nasty stomach flu.  That's still potentially serious at age 86 however.


Anonymous said...

If we're lucky he'll die, or at the very least get cancer of the mouth or throat

Lowkey said...

An hour?! It took that long?

Z, apparently the Red State Strike Force doesn't consider you that big a threat anymore. Is this a good or bad thing?

Zandar said...

Well you know, wanking off to the thought of Carter dying does tend to drain them. They get sleepy.

Lowkey said...

ROFL, then their languid eye drifts across that smooth rock in the sun, and that's it: time to nap the Nap Of The Righteous.

Yeah, I can see that.

StarStorm said...

Stay classy!

Anonymous said...

but what about all the hatred coming form the left? i thought that was the big problem?

(head explodes)

where's wafflez?

In Ur Blog Eatin Waffles (Accept no fail imitations) said...

You assume that came from someone on the right, you know what happens when you assume right?

Could be a Ted Kennedy supported who's pissed about Carter bashing the man after he's dead or someone who thinks Carter isn't the best ex-president.

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