Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Mask Slips Again

John Cole flags this Rep. Peter King quote confirming why Republicans are ignoring the Prop 8 ruling:
King, the Long Island congressman, said that in terms of social issues, the raging controversy over the Arizona border laws is providing more than enough ammunition for Republicans in key districts.

The Arizona immigration law is there, there’s no reason to be raising an issue of gay rights” as a wedge, he said.
Hating the gay helped get Bush re-elected in 2004 but 2006 and 2008 were disasters for the Republicans as a result.  Now hating the brown is more than enough, it covers what they need to win in 2010.  2012 and onwards will be a disaster for them, but all Republicans care about now is making Americans hate people enough now so they can get back in power.

The rest is just frosting.

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